What is a Service Like?

Services in different Unitarian Universalist congregations across the world can be different to a degree and for various reasons but there are some things that are the same everywhere. Generally, our Sunday services include these elements: lighting our chalice at the beginning of our gathering and extinguishing it at the end (the chalice being the symbol of Unitarian Universalism), and usually Sharing of Joys and Concerns, a time for sharing joys and concerns during our gathering and lighting a candle of joy and/or concern/sorrow. UURM Sunday services often include musical interludes, readings, and a story for all ages, and sometimes there are benedictions and/or meditations / moments of silence.
Services in different Unitarian Universalist congregations across the world can be different to a degree and for various reasons but there are some things that are the same everywhere. Generally, our Sunday services include these elements: lighting our chalice at the beginning of our gathering and extinguishing it at the end (the chalice being the symbol of Unitarian Universalism), and usually Sharing of Joys and Concerns, a time for sharing joys and concerns during our gathering and lighting a candle of joy and/or concern/sorrow. UURM Sunday services often include musical interludes, readings, and a story for all ages, and sometimes there are benedictions and/or meditations / moments of silence.